Sidewalk Labs, sister company of Google, is the winner of competition to build a new high-tech neighbourhood called Quayside on the east downtown waterfront. Waterfront Toronto, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Premier Kathleen Wynne, Mayor John Tory and Sidewalk Lab officials made the announcement at Corus Quay today. The Star says the board of Waterfront Toronto, the federal-provincial-city agency overseeing the Quayside project, is expected to vote at an October 20 meeting whether to confirm the agency’s staff recommendation following a competition launched in May. The public relations vision of Quayside is envisioned as a “testbed for cutting-edge technology” which tells taxpayers something or other. It also will contain what the Star called a “bustling, functioning neighbourhood, with homes, offices, retail and cultural space” which is near Queens Quay E. and Parliament St. Sidewalk Labs is Alphabet’s urban innovation unit with a stated goal of “reimagining cities from the Internet up.”