A flagship version of the Buca restaurant brand is now set to open at 2 St. Clair West in the street level restaurant space under construction at present. Buca is the property of King Street Food Co. just as 2 St.Clair (former home of NewsTalk1010) is the property of Slate Asset Management. Slate, as we know, is busting to return the one-time Uptown downtown intersection of Yonge and St.Clair to its former glory. Buca is part of the plan. There is also a Buca planned for Yonge and Eglinton. But you must wait til 2018. Then to the right, the Davisville Pumpkin Parade was fun Wednesday in Glebe Manor Square East. There were carved dedications to both funny faces and friends named Kate. (Video below) Lower left, Davisville Public School teachers and whomever are just a hoot dressed as Minions. Well done folks. And lower right, this farewell picture for the summer of 2017 to the East York Farmers Market was tweeted by Sue Burton. The market finished up for the year Tuesday at 850 Coxwell.