Cheeky PEOs on bikes sharpen TPS posture on drivers

The emergence in recent months of TPS parking enforcement officers with Twitter accounts seems to be sharpening the posture of the service towards drivers. The most prominent of this new breed is perhaps PEO Erin Urquhart who tweets daily with cheeky news that she “got two in a row on Davenport…didn’t even see me lay tag.”  Typically these tweets are sent on to #BikeTO and @bikelane locations followed by avid cyclists. It is a distinctly different type of parking enforcement than previously seen. It accompanies the rise of the City’s cycling lobby and ambitious plans to install bicycle lanes in many places where they previously would have seemed unimaginable. The new breed of tweeting PEOs was brought into even more focus this week with the suspension of the account of PEO Kyle while the TPS reviews “concerns about the appropriateness of some of his posts.” But the wholesome Ms. Urquhart is up and running daily it seems with tweets like “TRIPLE whammy on Prince Arthur.” ‘You can’t silence the person’: Bike lane officer speaks out after police suspend Twitter account