How Bossy E Syllables help CGS kids learn about words

Seven-year-olds learn best when they are on the move and Jordan Morneau, Grade 2 teacher over at Children’s Garden School on Eglinton Ave at Hanna Rd. is having a great time creating active learning games for her students. The children have been learning about Open, Closed, and Bossy E syllables. Understanding syllables helps children understand how the order of letters affect vowel sounds. This understanding aids greatly in a child’s ability to decode words when reading and spelling when writing. To better understand Bossy E Syllables, the students were given syllable cards and asked to keep them a secret and then spread out around the room. They then tried to ask different students what their syllable was and match up to make one of their phonics words. Once the students found their match, they came to the carpet to present the full word to the class. Each student took turns explaining and identifying their syllable. The Grade 2s beamed with excitement as they found their partner and explained their syllables like pros. Well done Grade 2s. For more information about CGS programming contact Kelly Scott, Director of Admission, at or 416 423 5017 x 43. Check out the CGS blog here.