The Video Wheel begins with Ward 22 Councillor Josh Matlow at an LRT meeting in Scarborough where he again challenges the mayor, fellow Councillors and the public in his opposition to the Scarborough subway. Two things are apparent. First, Matlow is right that the proposed one-stop wonder is a wasteful crock (our word). Second, he has exactly zero political downside in these outspoken appearances. If he ever decides to run for mayor, the story may be different. Then in New York, the chancy business of what the eyewitness says and whether it is remotely close to what happened. Take a look. Below that, a mother directs her underage son to steal the pieces she wants as they sneak around in a jewellery store. And finally, harrowing video of base jumpers leaping off a mountain and winging it into the open door of an aircraft. Crazy for sure.