The ABC Residents Association (ABCRA) is reporting that Diamond Corp has applied for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for 5 Scrivener Court and 8-10 Price Street development which is impact Yonge St in Summerhill. The amendments are said to allow an eight-storey (35 metre) building and a 26-storey (97.3 metre) building with a total of 182 rental dwelling units, 3,085 square metres of non-residential floor area, and 164 vehicle parking spaces within an underground garage. A consultation meeting will be held November 27. The ABCRA takes its name from boundaries west of Yonge St. being Avenue Rd., Bloor St. and the CP tracks
What: Community Consultation on 5 Scrivener Square and 8-10 Price Street.
When: Monday, November 27, 2017, 7pm to 9pm (time to be confirmed)
Where: Stone Church, 45 Davenport Road