Thieves in Sweden who were sneaking up behind inter-City delivery trucks at 80 km/h and breaking into the vehicles as they sped along have been captured. The felons would inch up to the rear of the delivery vehicle and climb onto the hood of their vehicle as they worked on the van’s cargo door latch. All this as the pavement sped by below. Then In Ottawa, a caustic exchange between the Environment Minister, Catherine McKenna, and a reporter for Rebel Media (which does not like the Liberals). Ms McKenna objects to be being called Climate Barbie (fair enough) and uses it to change the subject dramatically. Below that, the election for mayor of Montreal is tomorrow and the race is said by the CBC to be a dead heat between a political unknown, Valerie Plante, and the current mayor, Denis Coderre. Then finally, in Russia there’s another female challenger but she may not do quite as well as Valerie Plante. Ksenia Sobchak wants to replace Vladimir Putin.