Vehicular traffic to the commercial development planned at 33 Laird Drive will enter and exit exclusively by way of Canvarco Rd. A post Saturday named some of the tenants who are confirmed at 33 Laird. It suggested there might be a four-way intersection at Laird and Millwood Rd. to permit access to the development. A staff report from February 2017 makes it clear that this is not the case. The report states that pedestrian traffic may enter by a walkway from Laird. It says that throughout the application process to build the project “there have been conversations between the applicant and Transportation Services regarding a conceptual redesign of the intersection of Laird Drive and Canvarco Road. Although the design is still being discussed, it is anticipated that Canvarco Road will have an additional westbound lane, with the final configuration including exclusive left-turn and right-turn lanes from Canvarco Road out to Laird Drive.” There is no mention of the precise nature of the traffic control at Canvarco but it is presumed to be a stop sign. The report was written before the changes to Laird and Millwood made during the Fall of 2017 but it clearly had them in mind. Some tenants named for development at 33 Laird