East York family shaken by leukemia diagnosis of Hailey, 10

A deeply moving appeal has appeared on a GoFundMe page for help to sustain the long battle being faced by 10-year-old Hailey Banayai, a Gledhill Junior Public School student who was diagnosed with leukemia on November 2. She will endure years of treatment and costs associated with this life-altering development. The story was posted to Leaside Community by the editor of the East York Chronicle. Hailey’s mom, Patricia Baranyai. has written on the GoFundMe page that “Hailey is my hero, for she has faced and continues to face her fears daily. Together, Hailey and I are facing fears and anxiety that, two months ago, we could not fathom having to face. Hailey has grown much since November 2nd. Much more than any ten-year-old should have to grow in such a short time. She is strong and sweet and continues to amaze me with her generous and bright spirit.” Patricia Baranyai goes on to hope that “when the sun shines a little brighter, we will pay forward our blessings by raising money for the Hospital for Sick Children and other families in need.” May the sun indeed shine brighter for Hailey. GoFundMe East York Chronicle