Leaside street ticketed nine nights prompts bylaw petition

There is a lively and extensive discussion of street parking underway on Leaside Community Facebook page Tuesday. It is inspired by Peter Baugh of Leaside who has started a petition to abolish the long-standing three-hour parking limitation on City streets. Mr. Baugh says he and his neighbours have been ticketed nine nights running because someone is making serial complaints about street parking. By midmorning there are more than 20 posts. One is from Justin Van Dette who supports the bylaw and says during the winter, street parking and snow tend to narrow streets to one lane. Another says she favours cars on the street because it slows traffic. While another point of view is that the bylaw addresses commuters who park on residential streets to take transit. Mr. Baugh has made a supplemental post about what he called the “arbitrary nature of enforcement of an unjustifiable and pointless rule. Virtually any objective that people *think* this rule serves could be achieved more directly and fairly with other more sensible measures,” he says.