Meridian friends with a helping hand to New Circles charity

Upper left, manager Shirley Breen (right) and her friends at the Meridian Credit Union branch on Mt. Pleasant Rd at Soudan Ave as they pose with some of the clothing collected for the excellent New Circles Community Services on Bartley Road. Well done all. Then to the right, MP Rob Oliphant offers congratulations to hardware retailer Ken Comlekcier on his retirement. He has run True Value Hardware on Bayview Ave for decades. Lower left, the East York NDP will be forgiven for their cheapish shot at the prime minister in turn for the hilarious wayback photo seen here. It does say quite a bit about our heart-throb PM. He will be 46 on Christmas Day. Lower left, a reminder of the last day of Advent services at Leaside United. Others will be having similar services. To the right, some gifts put together by the Junior  Wildcats for donation by the Shoeboxes charity to women in shelters. Then finally, the Regent Theatre on Mt. Pleasant Rd. is for sale for $9 million which is a hefty price for a heritage building. We show it in its original guise at the Belsize Theatre. The greatest honour anyone could offer this old palace (and the neighborhood) would be the restoration of its proper name and use for a viable commercial purpose.