Robin of @robindeliva was grousing Wednesday about crowding on Line One. She mentions Davisville, St. Patrick and St. George, where she took the picture at the upper left. Look at the cameras. But in 1954, upper right, crowds were thinner as commuters streamed off the streetcar and across Yonge St. into Davisville Station. Below that, the gentle gentry of Inglewood Dr. are marking Kringlewood IV this month with their famous parade of CTC Santas up and down this fine street. Merry Christmas guys. Below that, take notice please of two events. The second night of Chanukah will see the menorah lit at Davisville and Yonge courtesy the Midtown Yonge BIA and Chabad Lubavitch On The East Side, the Jewish social service agency. It goes at 5.30 tongiht (Wednesday). To the right, Manor Road United Church at Manor and Forman will hold its popular Santa Pancake Breakfast Saturday starting at 9.30. See you there.