Cats whip Sens 3-1 and an Avoca truffle that sparkles blue

The Leaside Jr. Wildcats landed in Ottawa ready to play Saturday. The red, white and black squad whipped the ranking Lady Sens 3-1. The box score tells of a short-handed goal by Kristin Della Rovere assisted by Quinn Johnston. All right ladies. To the right, Creeds Coffee and Dry Cleaning at 1595 Bayview is showing off its new awning. Centre left, Avoca Chocolates on Millwood Rd. is making tempting sparkly-sugar blue coloured truffles for the  Blueblood Steakhouse at the Casa Loma. You can get them at the Avoca shop too. Below that, empty stores are piling up at the Dawsco Plaza where the owners hope to build high-rises. Finally, the Bayview Ave. award for obscure front page of the month goes to NOW.