The family of a girl, 11, has made a gracious apology for what it calls the “pain and anger” caused by a story that the child had been attacked by a scissor-wielding man who cut her hijab. It said: “This has been a very painful experience for our family. We want to thank everyone who has shown us support at this difficult time. Again, we are deeply sorry for this and want to express our sincere apologies to every Canadian.” The widely reported case was given a prominence which seemed improbable when the Toronto and District School Board either encouraged or permitted a news conference featuring the child. It occurred within a brief time after the incident was reported and seemed to many, even as it was happening, rather questionable. Thursday, columnist Rose Dimanno criticised the TDSB for this rush to publicity and also for its decision to end the Officer Resource Program even though a large majority of students said it seemed like a good idea. Carleton study finds cops and students a good fit in Peel