Chief Mark Saunders was delayed by other business Tuesday night but his arrival at the Ward 25 Safety Meeting was warmly applauded by the large crowd in attendance at Lawrence Park Community Church on Bayview Ave. Saunders rushed in from a warm evening to take a seat and then quickly go to the microphone at the invitation of Councillor Jaye Robinson. In brief remarks and questions, Saunders talked of the need to modernize the Toronto Police Service. He emphasized the need to integrate public information with active policing, efficiencies and the use of technology. The meeting heard Robinson and police officers on these points as well. The meeting heard of the use of photo images taken by door bells to identify persons who seem merely suspicious but using the digital science of face recognition are seen to be criminals. Such an arrest has occurred in 53 Division. Chief Saunders spoke of using personnel more efficiently. But he also said that scheduling is largely out of his hands. It is a matter decided between the police association and the police board. The Chief did not say it but the process seemed subject to the burden of a union vs management mentality.
The Ward 25 member said the Safety Meeting was inspired by the many break-ins late last year in York Mills and the harrowing incident of a teen girl who was slashed on Dinnick Crescent in a random attack in October. She also spoke of “white vans” following children although there appears to have been one incident of this which did not turn out to be criminal. Ms Robinson alluded to resistance to modernization from the Toronto Police Association although she did not name that body. She said she did not agree with much of what was said. Stabbed jogger, 19, gets ride to hospital from Lawrence Park