Upper left, Kindergarten parents (present and future) at Davisville Public School were briefed Tuesday night about the coming temporary move to Vaughan Road Academy while a new DPS is constructed on Millwood Rd. As the graphic shows, it will be two years before children from Davisville Village will be able move into their new three-story school just east of Yonge St. Right, Tanya Wiles-Bell is the team leader of LUCY, the Leaside United Church stalwarts who will participate in the nationwide walk-a-thon and fundraiser called the Coldest Night of the Year on Feb. 24. Its goal is to educate the public about poverty and homelessness across Canada and there is a nice story in the Toronto Observer. Centre left, Alok Tomar of Leaside Insurance has tweeted some useful resolutions for 2018. Below that, a peek in at the kids of the Duffelbag Theatre at Davisville Public. Click the photo and see how engrossed they are. Finally at the right, the folks at Avenue Bistro are tweeting how much they would love to have that giant-sized bottle of wine known as a Nebuchadnezzar. Be careful, God struck down this prideful fellow (according to Daniel) but perhaps not for drinking wine.