That tireless friend of Rolph Road School Robin Dickie has provided a photo record of this year’s play in the locally organized Leaside Cup League. It began in 2017 and this year expanded to embrace kids from Grades 7 and 8 (new for 2018) as well as Grades 5 and 6. The need was seen to level the hockey playing field in a way that kids from around home were playing each other, not those from “elite hockey schools.” Thus was born the Leaside Cup competitions. The first tournament had three local schools: Bessborough, Rolph Road and Bennington Heights. Its success led to this year’s expansion. There were six schools for each age group.
The Grade 5 and 6 co-ed teams played on January 17 and the Grade 7 and 8 teams played on the 18. TDSB schools were represented by Grade 5/6 teams from Northlea, Bessborough, Rolph Road, Bennington Heights, Deer Park and Forest Hill. Grade 7/8 tournament teams included Bessborough, Northlea, Deer Park, Glen Ames, Hollycrest and Forest Hill. A first place trophy was awarded for each day, as well as ribbons for second and third place. The winners were, Grade 5 and 6: First Place: Forest Hill, Second Place: Bessborough, Third Place: Rolph Road. Grade 7 and 8: First Place: Glen Ames, Second Place: Forest Hill and Third Place: Hollycrest. Ms. Dickie’s thanks are offered to volunteer friends Tracey Shepard and Sheila Allen and Bessborough teacher Ritch Couper for organizing events. She also thanks teachers and volunteer parents who offered to help coach the school teams and to student volunteer timekeepers.