The search goes on Thursday for three-year-old Kaden Young in the turbulent waters of the flooded Grand River with little hope left that the child will be found alive. He apparently slipped out of his mother’s arms as she tried to get out of her flooded and tilted minivan Wednesday. She is Karen Hanson and it appears that she miscalculated the edge of the road in water that hid an embankment into the river. The Welland Tribune says that conditions along the waterway have been hazardous since Friday when a flood watch was issued by the Grand River Conservation Authority in anticipation of as much as 40 to 60 millimetres of rain. Days of melt run-off caused by unseasonably warm weather and heavy rain caused flooding to push water as much as a foot over the road, soaking residential properties along the banks. As many as 2,200 homes were evacuated in Brantford Wednesday and some remain unreachable.