Upper left, here we are on Whitewood Rd. where desirable South Bayview beckons builders. This is No. 4 on the postman’s route and another new build is happening two doors north. Upper right, Harold Shin of the Toronto Police has kindly reminded The Bulldog about the opening ceremony of the Jenner Cricket League Sunday, February 25 at 1.30 at the Jenner Jean Marie Community Centre, 48 Thorncliffe Park Drive. Below that, Deke Macdonald posted this nostalgic brand name a while ago on Leaside Chit Chat. The car (Pontiac) is long gone and even more distant is Rumble’s itself. We liked the corner (Bayview and Broadway) better as a car dealer. Then, an expensive billboard at Bayview and Moore is up to remind you just where the heck the Art Shoppe went after they knocked it down on Yonge St. Lower left is a great photo owned by the Beach Mirror and tweeted by east-side girl Joanne Lavoie showing Scarborough teacher John Turco with the paramedics who saved his life when he had a heart attack while playing basketball at Neil McNeil High School. To the right of that, Jen Bluestein @JenBluestein tweeted a suggestion that this bus stop at Mt. Pleasant and Davisville could use a little love. No kidding. Finally, at bottom right, Eden is no more. The dark little marijuana shop has packed it up after two raids and an armed robbery. Time to go.