Leaside arena and area hockey palaces will ring today with the sound of boys, girls, moms, dads and others as the 2018 Leaside Select Invitational Tournament gets underway. Dignitaries like Mayor Tory (seen at upper right in 2015) are expected to catch a chance to celebrate this enormous event. Below that, at the right, Josh Matlow (Ward 22) has tweeted news that this little 1889 structure at 505 Balliol St. is about to be demolished. He will move a motion at Council to protect it under the Ontario Heritage Act. Then, The South Bayview Bulldog proudly says (yet again) that this vital, low-rise treasure of a street with sidewalks as wide and friendly as a walk on the beach should defend itself against the destruction of those precious qualities. A lament by Shawn Micallef in the Star about how low-rise sentiment is holding Toronto back from its destiny as a big concrete canyon is too dreary to read, but you can if you must. Lower left, Stanley E. Grizzle and his family are seen in a nice photo at the East York Historical Society meeting which celebrated black history month. Mr. Grizzle’s dad was a WWII veteran and judge of the Canadian Citizenship Court. And finally, a reminder of Thursday’s (today’s) appearance by mystery writers R.J. Harlick and Ken Ogilvie at Sleuth of Baker Street, 907 Millwood Rd. starting at 6 p.m.