Town Hall meeting Monday at 7 p.m. in William Lea Room

Jon Burnside’s Town Hall is at 7 p.m. Monday in the Lea Room at the Leaside Memorial Community Gardens. At the right, the East York Hockey Association is showing off the medal won by its Bantam Bulldog team the at the Select Tournament. The Bulldogs beat the Leaside Flames Red team 2-1 at De La Salle arena in the championship tilt, but by the way, the Flames beat the Bulldogs 2-0 in regular play earlier, so there. Centre left, the Atom A Wildcats are rightly proud of their silver finish at the Aurora Silver Sticks Tourney over the weekend. Good going ladies. And then four Shrove Tuesday reminders from area churches. Would it be possible to hit all four before they wash up? Burp.