Dog dies in overhead bin on Houston to New York flight

A dog has died in its carrier on a United Airlines jet apparently because a flight attendant ordered the owner to place the carrier in the plane’s overhead bin. United said Tuesday that it took full responsibility for the incident on the Monday night flight from Houston to New York. It said this death  was “a tragic accident that should never have occurred, as pets should never be placed in the overhead bin.” The dog was in a small pet carrier designed to fit under an airline seat but for reasons unknown was not put there.


The federal government has an instant-access fund of $102-billion in emergency cash, the first such known rainy day stash. The highly liquid assets are available to keep the government running for at least a month should the country ever find itself confronted by a severe crisis, such as a cyberattack that impairs access to financial markets, according to Canadian Press. A recently released briefing note for Finance Minister Bill Morneau explained details about the unheralded plan. “Canada holds liquidity reserves as a hedge against highly unlikely but potentially disruptive stress events,” said the August 2017 memo, obtained by CP via the Access to Information Act.


The student newspaper Eyeopener says there are bed bugs creeping around in classroom desks at the university. Ryerson says it is looking into the story. Stephanie Phillips, who works for the Eyeopener, told CBC that she encountered several bed bugs in a lecture last month.  “I felt an itch on my hand. When I looked down, I saw this small reddish-brown beetle-looking bug. I immediately flicked it off my hand,” she said. “I didn’t think at the time that it was a bed bug because I had seen bed bugs before but they weren’t that big.”