Toronto Police are warning of a series of break-and-enters within the area of Avenue Road, Bathurst Street, Lawrence Avenue West and Eglinton Avenue West. They started March 7, 2018 and since March 12 have totalled four. They are overnight residential burglaries, one in 13 Division and three in 53 Division. All four entries are in close proximity to each other, and appear similar in nature. With all four incidents, it appears the suspects staked out the addresses prior to attempting to break in, say police. Further, in all four entries the suspects attempted to gain or subsequently gained entry via the rear backyard door, or front door, to the residence. The time of the entries has ranged from late evening to as early as 5 a.m. Residents are requested to be vigilant. The Toronto Police Service is asking residents to immediately report to police any activity they deem suspicious. Residents are encouraged to contact the 53 Division Crime Prevention Office at 416-808-5319 for crime-prevention strategies.