K-Gelato franchise Milkcow to open on Yonge by Blythwood

Korean franchise phenom Milkcow, founded merely moments ago in 2014, will open this summer at 2651 Yonge St. south of Sporting Life (at Blythwood). Like most Korean popular culture, Milkcow, is exquisitely cute with soft ice cream flavours like Affogato (Espresso) and Snow Drop (Cotton Candy, Sea Salt and Jelly Beans). See them here. If you are a business wonk, it appears that it might require $100,000 Canadian to open a Milkcow franchise. Upper right, this young guy is loving the improvements at the Sharon, Lois and Bram playground in Davisville Park. Photo was tweeted by Jenn Dunstan @JennDunstan. Thanks Jenn. Below that, a lovely photo to mark the return of Rev. Emily Gordon to Leaside United Church following maternity leave. She is seen with Rev. Warren McDougall, who filled in during her absence. Lower right, the Just “B” Cause evening of Andy Elder is March 29. Enjoy Burgers, Butter Tarts, Beer, Band and Bingo with friends at the Amsterdam Brewery, 45 Esandar Dr. Call 416 467- 4745 or inquire at admin@grilltime.ca. Donations of gently-used clothing to New Circles Prom Drive would be appreciated. Lastly, Mary Fragedakis tweeted this good-looking cake which marked, along with those who consumed it, the 85th anniversary of Cosburn United Church. Congratulations  all.