Month: March 2018

Hot asphalt ordeal at Danforth/Logan gets $70,000 fine

A $70,000 fine has been levied against a road paving firm for the frightening case of an employee, 37, who was coated with hot asphalt during road maintenance in 2016. The uncovered kettle of molten material was inside a company truck at Danforth and Logan Aves. as road repairs proceeded. When the vehicle made a hard stop, the asphalt splashed onto the man, covering a large part of his body. Firefighters and EMS personnel had to cut away the hardening material both from his clothes and his skin. At the time, fire officials said it took about an hour. Miraculously, he survived. A numbered company operating as R&N Maintenance pleaded guilty to violating the Occupational Health and Safety Act by failing as an employer to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker.

Village Station Esso washes free because “top brush” broken

The busy Esso station and car wash at Millwood Rd. and Village Station Rd. was offering free washes all day Saturday because the “top brush” in the wash was not working. It’s not known just how long it will take to repair but the breakdown was a holiday for savvy drivers who rushed in with the car, sometimes with two cars. Most takers said the wait was only about 20 minutes. A great break for those who knew. Knowledge is power. Elsewhere on the road, the TTC has dragged yet another car out of the Queen’s Quay underground streetcar stop. The driver was found with his foot still on the gas. Yikes. But look, there have been 25 drivers make this mistake in two years. Heaven knows how many avoided the same disaster at the last second. It’s fine to blame drivers but an honest assessment should also look at a somewhat flawed design of the approach. Anyway, now they’re going to put gates across the tracks. Finally, down at the right, check the number of young people getting G1 licenses in Ontario as soon as they turn 16. The number seems to be sliding a bit. Maybe they’re waiting for self-driving hacks.

Saturday medley of COBs, Euphoniums and Just “B” Cause

Upper left, George and his colleagues were busy Saturday at Fiona Boylan’s COBs Bread at 1539 Bayview Ave. Can’t have a burger party or sit-down dinner for that matter without some of these. Upper right, Euphonium virtuoso Helen Harrelson smiles out from a Besson Instruments poster at the Toronto Tuba and Euphonium Symposium Saturday at Lawrence Park Community Church. Below, a rare white tuba (used) was on sale for $175. There’s a concert Saturday night at the church beginning at 8 p.m. Lower left, Andy Elder’s fun evening of Burgers, Butter Tarts, Beer, Band and Bingo is set for March 29 at the Amsterdam Brewery at 45 Esandar Dr. Call 416 467- 4745 or inquire at Donations of gently-used clothing to New Circles Prom Drive would be appreciated. In the centre, a reminder of the Leaside Presbyterian Church Book Sale March 24 and the Leaside Rotary Recycling event April 21 in the East York Town Centre parking lot.

Engineeer called cracks in footbridge “not a safety issue”

There were cracks in the Florida International University footbridge two days before the structure collapsed but the engineer who saw them did not think they represented a hazard. Hear the audio recording of his assessment. Then,  FIFA chief Gianni Infantino has announced that European football will catch up with the rest of professional sports by using Video Assistant Referees at the World Cup in Russia in June. Teams will also be permitted a fourth substitute in overtime play. Below, two videos on the charming “I don’t wanna grow up” commercial used by Toy “R” Us.

FB posts scout out photos, places and Canada Wire homes

A post to Leaside Community Saturday shows this utterly smashed bus shelter on Eglinton Ave. near Leslie St. just after dawn. It’s not clear how it happened but there was clearly a lot of force. At Leaside Chit Chat they were asking where you would find a phone booth in South Bayview. There aren’t many. One of the last was on Malcolm Rd beside the (now) Husky station but it’s gone. One poster remembered that a booth still sits on the Loblaws lot at Bayview and Moore. At Leaside Matters the historically inclined admin was asking Leaside families to ponder whether they lived in a Canada Wire and Cable home. These are said to be houses built on Airdrie, Randolph and area streets, more than 60 of them, for employees to buy. One poster recalled that her grandparents were offered one for about $15,000.

Rivs tie series with Cats in astonishing ten-round shootout

Cambridge has tied its quarter-final series with the Leaside Jr. Wildcats 2-2 in a game that was won in an astonishing ten-round shootout.  The one-on-one showdown saw both Cambridge and Leaside score in the seventh round. That tied it 2-2. It required three more rounds before Hana Solinger scored an unanswerable goal to make the final 3-2 Rivulettes. The series now moves back to Leaside Memorial Community Gardens for the fifth and final game scheduled to start at 3.40 Sunday afternoon. The winner will advance in semi-final play towards supremacy in the Provincial Women’s Hockey League. Leaside and Cambridge are evenly matched having finished fourth and fifth in regular season play.  But the playoffs can be surprising. First place Toronto Aeros with 31 wins are trailing 11th place Etobicoke Dolphins with 18 wins by two games to one in their best-of-five series.

Co-operators offers to dispose of bulky car and booster seats

The Co-operators insurance is collaborating with the non-profit environmental group Green Propellor to offer an option to parents concerned about bulky car and booster seats going to landfill. Co-operators agents like Alok Tomar of Leaside Insurance will receive these seats at their office and oversee their careful dismantling and recycling. Car seats can be broken down into component parts with all the plastic pieces able to fit in a zip lock bag. The Co-operators has a long track record in sustainable practices and support for Green Propeller aligns well with the organizational mandate. The service is free to The Co-operators clients and there is a fee to offset the cost of $15 per car seat and $7 per booster seat.  In the South Bayview area anyone wishing to drop off needs to first go to Green Propeller Recycling in order to register and obtain a voucher ($15 for a car seat, $7 for a booster and free for clients of The Co-operators) and then come on by to drop it off.  The Co-operators office of Alok Tomar is at 1820 Bayview Ave. There is free parking at the rear off Glazebrook Ave. Facebook .

St. Patrick venerated with smiling faces and fancy dancing

St. Patrick is venerated in most Christian churches and why not. Even if he didn’t banish the snakes it seems right that in a blarney-loving land he’s so ascribed. Here we see a well-dressed Irish moose on Moore Ave at the IntegraCare offices and smiling Irish faces from St. Patrick’s days past. Below, wonderful step-dancing. What fun. Some things to do