State of the Art a Bayview Ave. anchor for almost 20 years

Michael Leonard, owner and founder of State of the Art Gallery at 1541 Bayview Ave., opened his business in 1999. His friendly and informed advice has created a large following of clients. Here he is with a painting by one of his favorite artists, Yvon Breton.  More of Breton’s work and others can be seen here. To the right, Wednesday morning brings news of a formal request to change the name of the square in front of the East York Civic Centre after Michael Prue, the last mayor of the Borough of East York. Not to be critical but David Johnson was mayor for a lot longer. At centre right, the distinguished presence of former chief planner Jennifer Keesmaat just about everywhere will raise curiosity about her intentions for the municipal general election. The merchants and residents along Mt. Pleasant Rd. will want to note her tweets Wednesday that the street needs bike lanes from St. Clair to Lawrence. Uh-huh. South Bayview take note too. At lower left, Leaside High School vice principal Rebecca Roach tweeted this lovely picture of therapy pups at a meeting of the school’s Health and Wellness Committee. Lastly, down in the corner, a child is no doubt mourning the loss of this dolly floating in murky Lake Leaside off Laird Drive. Sorry darlin. So near and yet so far.