42 years later, Mt. Pleasant tracks still peek out of potholes

Some 42 years after the Mt. Pleasant streetcar was cancelled by the TTC a stretch of the street holds a buried curse on road maintenance and a smooth drive through Moore Park. It’s the streetcar tracks, covered over with asphalt. Though the tracks have been removed on many parts of the street, it seems they still lurk under the surface from just north of the Moore Park loop (now a parkette) at St. Clair to about Merton St. At a few points, the rusted steel peeks out. It’s a curious footnote to history that just as the streetcar lobby at City Hall had convinced Council to keep the big trolley brutes in Toronto, the TTC found it a good idea to get rid of the cars on Mt. Pleasant. They even double-crossed SERRA, the South Eglinton Ratepayers and Residents Association by promising to keep the cars, but then removed them less than a year later. Glimpse of Mt. Pleasant Rd. as trolley tracks are laid in 1925