City’s Chiptruck at PetSmart for creatures great and small

Upper left, the City has announced that its Chiptruck, the one that helps us track our loveable four-legged friends when they vanish, will be at the PetSmart store in Leaside Centre Wednesday. That’s at Eglinton and Laird. Then, get your old bikes over to the Davisville School playground on Saturday for the bike collection event. This is a very worthy project which brings joy to kids whose families cannot buy them a bike. Next, there’s soup, sandwiches and song next Sunday at Leaside United. At top right,  Jason Shelly and Sara Wickware are organizing dog owners to help clean up Sunnybrook Park Dog Park on Saturday. See Leaside Chit Chat for that notice. At centre, great video shot by East Yorker Ben Lucier of  his dog Sprocket escaping a large tree branch in the backyard. YouTube. At the bottom, a reminder of clean up events on Saturday. The  Bayview Leaside BIA will gather on the northwest corner of Bayview and Millwood at 9 a.m. ABCRA members can help smarten up Ramsden Park the same day. See all posters at the South Bayview Bulldog Bulletin Board.