First we build an LRT then we turn your home into a canyon

Upper left, the Highrise Express is here to remind smug single-family homeowners that their intellectual betters at the Toronto dailies prefer much higher buildings. Alex Bozikovic (Globe) with Shawn Micallef (Star) chiming in are quite indignant about the conspiracy to prevent South Bayview from turning into Roehampton between Yonge and Mt. Pleasant. What IS the matter with you silly privileged rich. Upper right, the Bayview Pixies were among those honoured Tuesday by Premier Wynne at the 9th Annual Don Valley West Volunteer Awards. Left to right Janis Fertuck, Carol Smith, Kathleen Wynne, Debora Kuchme, Hannelore Mohring (who last week won a volunteer award from Sunnybrook Hospital where she also volunteers) Cate Gravely, Jo Ann Davis and Helen Godfrey. Below that is Chief Saunders. He may be pondering the long thread of comments at Leaside Community about why there were so many police cars in Leaside Tuesday. One post (extracted) seems to find the place a dark and worrisome thing. Below are some posters for imminent local events. And see the full bulletin board here.