Order of service for Sunday’s Yonge #TorontoStrong vigil

The City has issued this order of service for the #TorontoStrong Inter-faith Vigil Sunday night at Mel Lastman Square. All times are approximate. Speakers: 3 minutes each (approximately) Choirs: 5 minutes (including transition time)

6–6:30 Illuminated lanterns placed on stage
6:15 Arrival of community walking from Olive Square Park and Albert Standing Park to Mel Lastman Square
6:40 Red Spirit Singers (Drumming begins)
6:40 – 6:58 Dignitaries seated
7:00 Toronto Jewish Chorus
Soloist – Judy Gershon “One Voice”
Begins with soloist Judy alone on stage with mic, choir joins her onstage through the first verse.

7:05 Welcome
Words of Introduction
Show begins
Indigenous Elder, Steve Teekins
Rev. Alexa Gilmour, United Church
Hosts (Lily Cheng, Dwight Drummond, Pooja Handa)

7:10 Willard Metzger
V.P. of Canadian Council of Churches & E.D. of Mennonite Church of Canada
Christian community

7:14 Imam Refaat Mohamed
V.P. of the Canadian Council of Imams Muslim community

7:18 Willowdale Community Choir
Soloist – Melissa Davis
“Instruments of Peace”
Performed a capella
soloist Melissa with mic

7:28 Pandit Suraj Persad
Hindu Chaplain
Hindu Community

7:32 Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Rabbi Yael Splansky, Jewish Community

7:36 Toronto Children’s Concert Choir
35 performers: “Hold On Just A Little While Longer”

7:46 Venerable Dr. Bhante Saranapala
Deputy Abbot of the West End Buddhist Temple and Meditation Centre
Buddhist Chaplain to the University of Toronto
Buddhist community
Also known as the “Urban Buddhist Monk”

7:49 Eva Goldfinger
Ritual led by Inter-faith team
Instrumental accompaniment by MCC artists Diane Leah (pianist) and Colleen Allen (saxophone)
Inter-faith Community, Humanist

7:52 Choir of Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto
(26 to 28 members)
“Amazing Grace – Reach out and Touch”

7:57 Final remarks by hosts

7:59 Earl Haig Secondary School & Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts
Between 30 and 40 students
National Anthem in English and French

8:04 Candles removed from stage and carried backstage by hosts and speakers (10 people, 10 candles)

Poem read by Toronto’s Poet Laureate Anne Michaels