Liberals say “Ford Nation” reporter effort to mislead public

It seems well beneath the attention of most people, but Ontario’s Liberals claim the public is being misled by political ads portraying a reporter who works for “Ford Nation.” It might confuse some but the alleged deception seems to be a bit of a stretch. The complaint has gone to Elections Ontario. It is part of the ruling party’s efforts to discredit the PC Party by focussing on the leader, Doug Ford. He’s a contentious figure who has never served in the Legislature. Liberals have also tried to link Ford to an unknown extremist in Quebec. Ford laughed it off saying he’s never heard of the man. In more serious matters, he quickly reversed his position last week after saying he would open some of the Toronto Green Belt to development. That seemed like a blunder worthy of Tim Hudak’s bizarre promise to lay off 100,000 civil servants. Still, public sentiment toward the Liberals seems more deeply alienated that ever before. PC advertising has had a comical but cutting edge in such attacks as The Kathleen Wynne Collection. It is puckish compilation of misdeeds and fiscal horrors ranging from the gas plant scandal to the provincial debt. The election is June 7. Fasten your seat belt.