Josh Matlow (Ward 22) has convened a meeting Thursday night at Greenwood College School, 443 Mt. Pleasant Rd. at Davisville Ave., to air plans by the Times Group for the northeast corner of Yonge St. and Davisville Ave. The proposed project is known as 1951 Yonge St. Matlow calls it “completely inappropriate.” He has shepherded a motion at City Council asking the Ontario Municipal Board to deny any approval of the project. It calls for two towers (34 and 25 storeys) apparently on either side of the historic J. J. Davis store built in 1894. That historic store is now a Starbucks. Matlow has said that as currently proposed, the two towers would have unacceptable shadow impacts on the Davisville school field. Of further concern, is the potential traffic impacts to the local community, especially the area surrounding the school. “I will fight the most recent proposal to add more traffic onto Millwood,” he said. The meeting begins at 6.30 p.m.