David Bryant has posted news of his intention to again produce a fireworks show on the Canada Day weekend. This year it will be held on Monday, July 2 beginning at approximately 9.30 p.m. Last year’s show drew a large crowd. As in the past, Mr. Bryant is asking those who are able to make a donation to the cost. The show produced for the 2018 Victoria Day weekend had a bill of nearly $3,500. Bryant says donations can be made to bryantdavid@live.ca or in person to a donations jug at the setup table on the track by the field on the day. Bryant reports that both Meridian CU at Mt. Pleasant Rd. and Soudan Ave and Dave Owen and Blake Edwards of the seafood shop Del La Mer (1543 Bayview) will support the program. Shirley Breen is manager of Meridian. Below is the finale to the Victoria Day weekend show at LHS field.