Take a gander at South Bayview summary as weekend nears

Upper left, Linda Spremo tweeted this parade at the SmartCentre. She says they’re heading to Lake Leaside. Upper right, a stormy Wednesday with blackouts didn’t dampen the warmth of the farewell to Tanya Wiles-Bell from her 10-years of service as Education Director at Leaside United Church. Below that is a picture of a flag-bedecked Two Dogs Sports Bar as it opens Friday (today) with breakfast, brunch and later-in-the-day fare at 1620 Bayview Ave. Lower left, Forests Ontario  recalls that the old White Oak at St. Cuthbert’s Anglican Church has welcomed home soldiers from both World Wars and seen countless weddings, funerals, and celebrations. It is the perfect example of a Heritage Tree. Moving right, don’t forget the Thrill of the Grill on the Danforth Saturday, Shop, Wine and Dine in Mt. Pleasant Village and the June 21 meeting at which the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan will be discussed. South Bayview Bulletin Board