City ponders whether to let motorcycles whiz between cars

City Council is said to be considering whether to let motorcycle riders whiz between lanes of heavy traffic in order, apparently, to help them avoid being hit from behind when they have to stop in traffic. The technique is known among bikers as lane-filtering and is lauded as a route to much safer times for motorcyclists. The present legislation is designed (not very successfully) to keep cyclists from weaving between lanes, also considered unsafe. CBC

  1 comment for “City ponders whether to let motorcycles whiz between cars

  1. What are cars supposed to do from getting hit from behind whey THEY have to stop in traffic? Duh! Another example city council not being focused on REAL problems such as road and sidewalk maintenance. Shame on them.

    Cyclists and motorcycles do not belong between cars, either in motion or stopped. This will cause chaos as cars may be signalling to turn right but the two-wheeled riders will not and cannot see a turn signal from cars if they are right next to them. More accidents will occur and long scratches on cars will happen since there are times cars are closer together due to road construction, debris on roads, pot holes etc., which will leave little space for two wheeled riders.

    The major way to ease up congestion downtown is to replace streetcars with subways. Cyclists should be using side streets parallel to main arteries. That would help car traffic flow. Motorcyclists must use the same rules as cars, and NOT drive between them.

    If the two-wheeled riders are so concerned about getting hit from behind then use proper rear reflectors and lights to catch the attention of anyone coming up behind them. And cyclists, stay off the damn sideWALKS!

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