Stolen Macbook traced from Leaside to East York bungalow

The theft of a Macbook and as much as $1,000 of other goods from an unlocked car on Heather Rd. overnight produced a fascinating and informative discussion on Facebook. It has since been deleted. The victim of the robbery reported that the Macbook was traced “via iCloud” to a specific address, a bungalow off Plains Rd. in East York some 4 or 5 km. away. According to the post, by the time police responded, the laptop battery had died. Continued tracking was not possible. The posts revealed that police went to the bungalow, the Macbook’s last known location, but did not get a response at the door. According to the victim, the police said “their hands are tied.” Facebook comments were questioning. Will the police not try again?  There was a lot of sympathy expressed and some recrimination about the unlocked car.