Sex doll “brothel” nixed, much banter in comments online

The so-called sex doll brothel scheduled to open on Yonge St in Willowdale has been found to fit the definition of an adult entertainment parlour. No such thing is allowed by City bylaw in that neighborhood. Both the property owner and the doll entrepreneur, Aura Dolls, were warned they would be charged. The story appeared on City News  Comments on City’s YouTube site reveal much good humour. “They should do a delivery service like Dominos 30 minutes or less,” said one. “There goes my weekend,” said another. There is also a streak of sentiment common to a loose association known as Men Going Their Own Way or MGTOW. It is described as a “mostly pseudonymous online community of men supported by websites and social media presences cautioning men against serious romantic relationships with women, especially marriage.”  Wikipedia