The Prime Minister has said that the federal government will not interfere in the Ontario government’s use of the Constitution’s Notwithstanding Clause to overturn Monday’s court decision reversing legislation to reduce the size of Toronto City Council. Analysts seem to agree that any use of federal power to disallow the Ontario act would cause a genuine constitutional crisis. The 36 hours since Justice Edward Belobaba handed down his bombshell have witnessed opposing volleys of political bombast. Charter rights (Belobaba) have been pitted against the will of the people (Premier Ford). Wednesday will see the Ford government re-introduce the Better Government Act in the Legislature. The scene will no doubt be chaotic but the PC government’s majority seems certain to prevail. Unpalatable as it may be, the finality of the Notwithstanding Clause will permit matters to proceed quickly toward an organized election October 22, the predetermined election day.