Centre-right “coalition” wins handy majority in Que. vote

The Coalition Avenir Québec (or Coalition for Quebec’s Future) has won the Quebec general election Monday. CAQ won 74 seats out of 125 with the Liberals (31) and the two separatist parties (total 19) being laid low. There is much astonishment among writers at the outcome, citing the measure of change after a 15 year Liberal reign. The CAQ has the word coalition in its name but seems less like a coalition than a fresh mainstream movement, centre right and focussed on the economy. It was founded by former Parti Québécois (PQ) cabinet minister François Legault and businessman Charles Sirois; Legault serves as party leader. The party membership includes both Quebec nationalists and federalists. Legault has said it will never endorse a referendum on sovereignty, but more autonomy if necessary — with Wikipedia