Upper left, this was Sports Day at Leaside High School and among the many shots tweeted by the school was this one of the cheer squad. See the rest here. Upper right, No. 1 Randolph Rd. (at Hanna) rises again from the rubble of the tumbledown little bungalow seen in the inset. Below that, pickup hipsters known as the C-flats. They are the Leaside United Church jazz ensemble, meeting Mondays from 7.15 to 8 p.m. in the church music room. The age level of this group is generally grades 7-12. All parts are written for the individual musicians so all levels welcome. Back on the left, a grisly sight for Halloween at Paul Hahn’s piano store on Yonge St. and below that construction in downtown South Bayview. That would be the corner of Bayview and Millwood. Finally at bottom left, the ghostly grocer depicted here is really friendly Summerhill Market. Nothing to fear. Really, it’s okay.