Nancy Penny to close Absolute Beauty after 27 years service

Happening in South Bayview, Nancy Penny (upper left) has given advance notice of her intention to close her popular beauty and aesthetician business. She has operated Absolute Beauty at its upstairs premises at 1517a Bayview Ave. for more than a quarter of a century. She will shut the door for good on June 30, 2019 and wants to give anyone with a gift certificate time to use it. The popular Ms. Penny entered the field with the assistance of a dear aunt, who helped her with tuition, and encouraged her throughout her career. Lorna Krawchuk tells the story here. Nancy also says that her daughter will be doing facials after Nancy retires. She is looking for a small space of her own, or wants to rent space within a hair or beauty salon. Upper right, former East York Mayor, MP and elder statesman Alan Redway has published a book, East York 1924-1997: Toronto’s Garden of Eden. Mr. Redway was at the East York Historical Society Tuesday night and will be at the Walter Stewart Library on Saturday from 2 until 4 p.m. Below that reminders of the Cody Winter Fair this Saturday and the East York Barbershoppers harmonizing at the Fort York Frost Fair on Saturday at 1 p.m. Bottom right is a righteous selfie from Liz Taylor with her pal Andy Elder and her son Max. Liz and Max dropped in at Grilltime at 62 Laird Dr. to enjoy some of the best burgers in Leaside.