58th Scouts, Gift Elves and Pooch Parade on Bayview Ave.

Josh Matlow tweets a sweet picture (upper left) from Ward 12 west of Mt. Pleasant to remind us that the 58th Toronto Scouts are selling Christmas trees, as they always do, in the parking lot of the Church of the Transfiguration. That’s at Manor Road and Redpath Ave. They are there Monday to Friday from 6 to 8.30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Upper right, it’s the Care Gift Elves as they deliver a shipment to the Red Door Shelter on Carlaw Ave. Good going guys. Below that, another horticultural brightener in the form of Oriental Lillies at Longo’s. Centre left, the latest word from Sunnybrook Hardware is that they will close in January sometime, but they are playing the exact date by ear. Centre right, don’t forget the Yonge St. Clair BIA street party Thursday starting at 4 p.m. Visit the Tunnel of Glam. It’s a hoot. Then at bottom, a reminder of the Holiday Pooch Parade sponsored by the Bayview Leaside BIA and Big-Stretch Yoga on Saturday December 22. Looking forward.