Tunnel of Glam a sequined sight on Wally Crouter Walkway

The Yonge St Clair BIA has installed a unique Tunnel of Glam along Wally Crouter Walkway from Yonge St. to the Alvin Ave. Green P lot. The interior walls are lined with shimmering sequins that permit tunnel-goers to draw impressions in the twinkling little discs (video below). Fun for a fleeting moment or two as you Christmas shop. The blog Teena in Toronto calls it a loud, vibrant, glamorous centerpiece that draws visitors in by playing upon the appeal of all things shiny and sparkling. “With its grand scale and bright colours the installation sits like a gift to all. It is a present which promises new surprises every day, as visitors continually make and remake the interior to their own design,” says Teena. The Tunnel of Glam will be there until December 31. It was designed by Studio F Minus, a Toronto public art and design firm led by Mitchell Chan and Brad Hindson.
