Letter to local man reminds us of debt owed to WW II dead

A Calgary nurse Donna Maxwell is embarked on what might well be life-long task of identifying with photos and stories the many hundreds of Canada’s World War II dead in Western Europe. This work, coined A Face to Every Name project, caused her to write recently to Leaside resident Richard Byford. She asked if Mr. Byford was acquainted with the late Agnes Byford, who is shown in records as the sister of Private James McDonnell of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment. Pvt. McDonnell died in Holland a mere three weeks before Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945. Mr. Byford, of the Bonnie Byford Real Estate firm, is not to his knowledge related to Agnes Byford, he said. It appears that she was born Agnes McDonnell. In any case, the extraordinary efforts of Ms. Maxwell are worth reporting. She reminds us of the debt of gratitude owed to Canadian war dead. These men continue to be honoured by citizens of Holland and Belgium where the First Canadian Army fought and ultimately liberated these lands. Every Christmas the Canadian War Cemetery at Holton, Netherlands, is full of children placing candles before well-tended graves. The Dutch continue to care for Canadian cemeteries and sustain their long friendship with Canada.