The Auditor General has found that there is substantial fare evasion in the use of TTC subways, streetcars and buses. The matter is serious but the finding seems hardly surprising. Boarding a streetcar in 2019 is done largely on an honour basis. Masses of riders enter at all-door stops with no attempt or method of keeping track. A poll in 2016 indicated that as many as 21 percent of riders will evade paying if they can. Streetcar fare collection laughable shambles costing millions
And parking ticket revenue continued to slide for the second year in a row in 2018. Parking officers issued about 100,000 fewer parking tickets in 2018 to total a decline of 222,000 since 2016. The Police Services board attributes this to a staff shortage. It says the Parking Enforcement Unit was “understaffed for the entire year” in 2018. There is no mention of the Green P app, an easy way for drivers to avoid tickets by topping up their time remotely. Many predicted that the arrival of the app would enable drivers to better avoid tickets received because time had run out.