Is Gerald really dead, Nails Maguire and stealing your teeth

Hang onto your hat as reporters dig away at whether bitcoin smoothie Gerald Cotton, merely 30, (at left) is really dead of natural causes in India as reported previously. The Canadian lone ranger of cryptocurrency firm QuadridaCX supposedly expired in Mumbai with all the passwords and known whereabouts of $250 million in bits sealed inside his laptop.  And maybe he did. But that part of the world is known, say scribes, as a great place to get a false death certificate for yourself. Then at centre is Michael Maguire. the TTC bus driver who has made a hit (or whatever) with riders for his wild manicures. See his brightly-lit Instagram midway here. Lastly, that’s Dental Assistant Arieta Gouvakis at right. She’s given new meaning to the toothache by stealing patients’ jewellery when they were asleep in the chair.