Upper left, Laura Fortino and some pals were hanging out with the Leaside Wildcats Minor Novice girls at Baycrest Arena Saturday. These are mentors and role models that every six and seven-year old needs. Fortino played defense for Team Canada in 2011 and was first draft selection in the Canadian Women’s Hockey League in 2014. Thanks ladies. At right, MP Rob Oliphant will speak Tuesday about his recent trip to Bangladesh at the Jenner Jean-Marie Centre in Thorncliffe Park. Centre left, a reminder that the semi-annual Leaside blood clinic is April 4 at Northlea school. Please give. Centre right, Moore Park residents like to think their neighborhood has every amenity. And here on Heath St., what else could one ask for? Finally at the bottom, Toronto firefighters deserve an easy one now and then. Here they get a smile over their efforts to “knock down” a blaze started by a cigarette in a garbage container at Mt. Pleasant and Millwood Rd. Saturday afternoon. But no kidding, thanks guys.