The Leaside United Church Talent Show presented a wide array of performers to a large and happy audience Friday night. The acts ranged from musical to dramatic to tale-telling to a kaleidoscopic light show. Admission and concession receipts will be donated to the Thorncliffe Children’s Day Camp. Below are the performers and their acts, 23 in all. Bob Lister was MC.
1.Yellow (Coldplay)
Song performed by Markus Weintz-Lawford. Piano accompaniment by Ashley Braga
2 Pawsitively Pets
Special demonstration by the animals from Pawsitively Pets and Hila
3 May Name is John Wellington Wells (Gilbert and Sullivan) Song performed by Jonathan Ingram. Piano accompaniment by Tyler Versluis
4. Dummer Sister
Performed by Christine McDonald, Ann Fraser, Ian Fraser
5. Gonna (Mike Russell)
Guitar performed by Mike Russell
6. The Captain Geography Show
Performed by Konstantinos Sardelis
7. Swalla (Jason Derulo and Nicki Manaj)
Dance performed by Perlina Vaz
8. I’m Yours and Ripetide (Maria Montessori School)
Songs and Ukeles performed by Matilda, Sheila, Lily, Alexandria, Naora, Audrey, Lianne.
9. Rippling Watercolours (Brian Balmages)
Clarinet performed by Paige Lawford
10. Sesame Street Medley
Song and guitar performed by Greg K.
(Children please join Greg at front of the church).
11. How To Find An Elephant (Kate Banks)
Storytime by Jane Hawkins
(Children are invited to stay at front for story time)
12. Wakawaka by Presteign African Drummers
Performed by Jonah, Dimitri, Zago, Maria, Konstantinos, Alice, Halle, Smaro, Julia and Ms. Guercio
13. Medley:
Don’t Sit Under The Apple Tree and Bie Mir Bist Du Schon (Andrews Sisters)
Ain’t She Sweet and Yes Sir, That’s My Baby
(Banjo performed by Sally Carroll, better known as “Banjo Gal”
14. Homeward Bound (Jay Althouse)
Song peerformed by Chris Norman
Piano accompaniment by Matthew Boutda
15. When We Were Young (Adele)
Song performed by Daniella Coelho
16. Two Toys
Poem performed by Luke Gregory
17. Don’t Wait (Linda Berry-Robinson)
Song performed by Linda Berry-Robinson
18. Martha’s Out Dancing (James Brand)
Song and guitar performed by James Brand
19. “Alex” and Seniors (Saturday Night Live Adaption)
Skit performed by Jane Hawkins, Ross Lawford, Tanyss Malabar, June Malabar, Mavis and Bryan Piper, Emily Gordon
20. Leaving on a Jet Place (Joni Mitchell)
Song and guitar performed ny Brenda French and Doug McKenzie
21. On the Street Where you Live (My Fair Lady)
You Don’t Know Me (ray Charles)
Song performed by Geoff Tupling
22. Colourform Kaleidoscope Light Show with Music
Performed by Michele and John Petick
23 Toccata (J.S. Bach)
Organ pereformed by Alison Jane and Assistant