This South Bayview summary starts with the hilarious gang (upper left) at the East York Curling Club, 950 Cosburn Ave., who are seen dressed for Easter. Love you guys. Below that are some of the “Toronto Johnny Peameal Bacon Sandwiches” being served by Doug Radford and his family at their backyard Leaf Shack on Hanna Rd. during the playoffs. Below that at left is a great photo from Mommy Connections as a reminder of their Mom and Baby days which carry on into June. They’re held at Gymboree, 1213 Bayview at Moore. At right, this party of Parkview Hills neighbors is taking a group hike through the ravine. Good non-selfie. Lower left, a reminder of that important meeting Tuesday updating the construction of the new Davisville Public School. Finally at lower right a nostalgic memory of when 1860 Bayview Ave. at Broadway Ave was a car dealership. And yes, we liked it better that way.