Instant analysis: Kinda like the transit but not guy behind it

There’s an apparent awakening among seasoned Toronto scribblers — Mike Crawley of the CBC and Chris Selley of the National Post are two — that the Ford transit dream isn’t all that bad. They almost giggle at the thought of driverless relief-line trains speeding through NDP Green downtown. Could be good, including the thrust to Markham and the loop at Ontario Place. But the whole thing comes from a government led by Doug Ford and in Ottawa (and other places) that’s not good. The PCs may yet regret. if they don’t already. electing Mr. Ford as their leader over the less contentious Christine Elliott. The Toronto Star Thursday reflects, as it usually does, the inner sanctum thinking of the Liberal government. One of its headlines is “Doug Ford’s transit plan has good elements. But Ford himself is cause for skepticism.”